The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.
More우리 연구실은 AI 방법론과 학생 개인의 관심 분야 및 가지고 있는 도메인 지식을 효과적으로 결합하여 보건정보학, 생명정보학, 바이러스정보학, 그리고 면역정보학 분야에서 탄탄한 기초와 뛰어난 실력을 갖춘 전문가를 양성하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
Our lab is committed to effectively combining AI methodologies with students' personal interests and domain knowledge to cultivate professionals with a solid foundation and outstanding abilities in field of Health Informatics, Bioinformatics, ViroInformatics, or Immunoinformatics.
주요 관심 연구분야로는 데이터 마이닝, 빅데이터 통합 및 큐레이션(데이터베이스 및 지식베이스 구축), 멀티 오믹스 데이터와 건강 데이터 통합을 위한 새로운 방법론 및 알고리즘 개발, 건강과 질병 관련 대규모 유전체 변이 연구, 분자 진화 연구(핵산·코돈·아미노산 수준), 바이러스 종간 전파 위험도 예측 모델 개발, 머신러닝 및 인공신경망 방법 기반 바이러스 T 세포 epitope 식별 등이 있습니다.
Our research interests include data mining, big data integration and curation (databases and knowledge bases construction), developing new methodologies and algorithms for associating multi-omics and health data, studying large-scale genomic variation in health and disease, analyzing molecular evolution (at the nucleic acid/ codon/ amino acid level), developing virus cross-species transmission prediction model, and identifying viral T cell epitopes based on machine learning and artificial neural networks.
Here are some helpful links for research activities.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.
MoreEurope-wide, global impact, infinite curiosity. The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is a powerhouse of biological expertise.
MoreThe GISAID includes genetic sequence and related clinical and epidemiological data associated with human viruses, and geographical as well as species-specific data associated with avian and other animal viruses.
MoreThe NGDC advances life & health sciences by providing open access to a suite of resources, with the aim to translate big data into big discoveries and support worldwide activities in both academia and industry.
MoreThe RCSB PDB enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis.
MoreViralZone is a SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics web-resource for all viral genus and families, providing general molecular and epidemiological information, along with virion and genome figures.